Sunday, August 21, 2011

33lbs and counting...

Today I after my weigh in I was down 33lbs! Really? I can't believe the weight is still coming off. I mean, I know I'm still working at it, but I guess since it's become so routine to me, I was stunned. From there I decided (with the help of my girls) to do another round of photos. This time comparing my day 1 photo to today. Was I shocked. Not That I'm ready to strut my stuff down a runway. But the difference is just rewarding!

With the redeployment of my husband fast approaching (not nearly fast enough) , my deadline for my goal weight is creeping up on me. I have another 27lbs to go by the first week of November. I pray I can do this. I've been hitting the workouts like crazy lately, sometimes even doubling up on them. I even ran (well my idea of running) the other day and I've never been a runner. It was tough, at the same time I felt accomplished.

The more weight that falls off the stronger and more confident I feel. This a very new, and very strange feeling for me. I've never been the confident type. Maybe all that was hiding behind the layers of "fluff" as we like to call it. Maybe it's been there the entire time, just waiting for it's moment to shine...? I can't explain it, but I'm liking the new more motivated me.

1 comment:

  1. You are A-mazing!! Congrats on the 33 pounds. I wish I could find the motivation to do something about my "fluff." I'm so glad to hear that you are feeling more confident, too...but no matter what you should always shine and feel special because you are ONE AWESOME WOMAN!!
